Talk about Enneagram in 1 hour

Here is the challenge I was given at the beginning of June: come and talk about Enneagram in 1 hour.

How to introduce this subject in the space of an hour when my previous attempts were more like:

Since my use of the metaphor ofAgile-Rocket and especially his Cooperate module (formerly Management Visuel), my speech today revolves a lot around the perception we have of the world. Indeed, it is when these perceptions collide that conflicts, interpretations and misunderstandings arise between different parties.

This topic was also very well addressed by Yves Rossetti, professor of physiology at the Faculty of Medicine of Lyon, during his keynote To MiXiT 2018. I found his speech very much in line with the message I wanted to share.

I then said to myself that working from the angle of perception would be a good idea to experiment with.

Here is how I approached the subject as well as the feedback obtained. Good reading ! 😉


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The great difficulty that I had in my previous interventions was in the management of the content delivered. I remind you that the Enneagram is a model presenting 9 major personality profiles, which means that any concept discussed is generally multiplied by 9. To fit into the allotted time, I would then have to take only 5 minutes per profile (5 x 9 = 45 minutes), which could be possible but which did not appear to me as a digestible introduction nor sufficiently simple on the subject.

Indeed, following my previous interventions, the feedback I got was that the model appeared extremely powerful and subtle but too complex: I therefore paid particular attention to the simplicity in order to make the subject as accessible as possible.

My intentions were therefore as follows:

  • Show that we filter the world according to our own point of view
  • Introduce the Enneagram as a mapping of 9 filters of attention to the world
  • Keep height on the model to simplify the message
  • Make participants want to learn more

Structure and messages

The conference was then structured as follows:

A few games of perception

This part aims to understand that OUR reality is above all subjective :

  • Our brain interprets what we see according to our personal framework of perception
  • It leads us to judge all the signals we receive from the environment
  • He can even reconstruct a reassuring reality even if it means making a mistake.

The notion of conflict is above all a question of perception.

The Enneagram: 9 lenses on the world

This part aims to present the Enneagram as a model mapping 9 ways of perceiving the world.

Of course, we all have the intellectual capacity to perceive the world from these 9 angles, but experience shows that we will favor one more than the others in a natural and automatic way.

Perceiving the world in a certain way: a natural gift
  • To perceive the world in a certain way: it is to have a natural gift, special attention to certain aspects of a situation.
  • To perceive the world in a certain way: it is our main limitation, by reducing our field of vision to only these aspects of the situation.

The Enneagram allows us to become aware of the glasses we wear on the world

and to see that there are others of equivalent value.


This part aims to close the session by recalling that the Enneagram is only a model. It is therefore in principle false (because it is a simplification of a more complex reality) but it can prove extremely useful in our interactions with others. It allows you to open up to others with compassion if you respect the code of ethics to which it submits in its use.

Open discussion with participants


The room and the participants

The conference was fairly well received by the participants. I was also very pleasantly surprised by the number and the diverse profiles of the participants. Many questions emerged after the conference: the subject therefore seems to be of great interest, even within the framework of the company! 😉

A very special thank you to Aurélie for her trust and to Air France for the welcome! 🙂

So if you are interested in the subject, several options are available to you:

  • If you want to survey your team or your company on the subject: this 1 hour conference format, BBL type may potentially interest you
  • If you want to go a little deeper into the model: the2 hour workshop on attention filters might interest you
  • If you wish to enter into a personal development process: individual support or program structured like the PDP might interest you

Whatever your need, do not hesitate to contact me so that we can discuss it quietly together! 🙂

Some feedback from participants

Sending a clear message on such a difficult subject, I thank and say bravo to our speaker.

Thank you for your presentation; I particularly appreciated the approach with the code of ethics and the notion of knowing

its limits to explore/complete oneself/develop new motivations

There are no facts, only interpretations. Thank you 🙂

A very interesting area that we wish to deepen. A great interactivity and proximity to exchanges. THANKS

Very nice discovery of the system and its benchmarks to better understand the other and adapt their behavior.

We should organize more often personal development interventions, it's very motivating.


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Olivier MY

Olivier MY

Trained as an engineer and passionate about people, I quickly turned to the world of Agile coaching and Professional coaching. Today, I support individuals, teams and organizations towards creating value adapted to the constraints and challenges of today's world. I am committed to contributing to the professionalization of the profession, in particular through detailed feedback and inspirations highlighting the importance of an open, curious and respectful posture.


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