Facilit'ON Paris #2: Survival Kit


For its second edition, the Facilit'ON Paris community met on March 17, 2016 at Good! on the pre-defined theme of the "Survival Kit". This meeting was kindly prepared by Alexandra Fleury, Florence Gauthier, Elsa Simon, Charline Leblois, Emmanuelle Le Strat, Mai-Khanh Bui and Benjamin Duval – with a small contribution from me! 😉 Here's what happened!

The preparation


It would be a shame to talk about the event without saying a word about the preparation! 😉

We started from the famous 7Ps of James Macanufo to structure our minds, even if in our final product they are not explained!

It is always interesting to see how certain elements are obvious to define while others are much less so. On our side, the "Product" or expected result of the session was not so easy to define and this gave rise to many discussions. Indeed, the "Survival Kit" theme was not so clear and could say all or nothing, which is why instead of defining our toolbox of "practices", we rather focused on the idea of the “human” toolbox if I may say so, that is to say the pool of skills that the community brought together. Thus, it became obvious to us that getting to know each other better was key to “surviving” together and sharing our skills and experiences more fluidly.

The Ice Breaker: Human Canvas


The facilitation of the ice-breaker was done brilliantly by Benjamin.

Like all Ice-breakers, the objective of the human web was to help create links between the participants, and this in the true sense of the term!

Material : a simple ball of wool!

Operating mode : a person starts with the ball of wool in hand, introduces himself quickly by specifying his first name, his current weather (how he feels, his state…), what he is doing, what he expects from the evening… and sends the ball to a person with whom it has a link! This link can be of any type, a personal, professional or simply clothing link… it is interesting to see that whatever happens, we always find something! 😉

When everyone introduced themselves, thus forming a real human web, we decided to go back in the opposite direction to once again mark the first names in the minds.

Laughter, smiles and a bit of complicity already announced a good quality Meetup! 🙂

The program


Alexandra's turn to present the agenda for the evening.

The evening was planned to revolve around 3 workshops: a phone book making it possible to identify information concerning the members, a inspiration board on which were arranged documents around the facilitation conducive to being subjects of exchanges and finally a speed meeting allowing participants to get to know each other better.

It was also the time for some people to make announcements: after all we are here to share, right? 😉


Speed Meeting


The Speed Meeting was the heart of the evening.

After having arranged chairs facing each other, the participants initially had 2 minutes to discuss before having to move. I say initially, because after the first lap, it was obvious that the time was far too short, so we extended it to 4 minutes per lap.

As a timekeeper, I did not participate in the speed meeting as such. However, being an even number, a person came out at each turn to pass on the directory which gave us the opportunity to exchange for a while! Moreover, when the time was up, the latter had the pleasure of sounding the death knell for the end of the tour with the help of 2 bells brought for the occasion! The more time passed, the more difficult it was to stop the participants in their discussions: the mayonnaise took hold and the exchanges became more and more intense! 😉

Phone book


The directory part corresponded to answering a form, specially made by Alexandra, whom I thank by the way! 😉

The items requested were:

  • Name
  • First name
  • E-mail address
  • Phone number
  • Techniques/methods you would be inclined to share
  • Motivation to share (1 to 5): the desire to share knowledge
  • Ability to transmit (1 to 5): the ability to transmit knowledge
  • Brief self description

And all this in the space of 4 minutes! 😉

The inspiration table


The inspiration table was finally not used during the evening but rather at the end of the evening around a drink and a few small things to nibble. The exposed documents have aroused the interest of the participants and could possibly be shared during a future Meetup or the inspiration table concept reused.



The debriefing was skilfully facilitated by Florence.

Some very interesting things came out of which I share with you some excerpts:

The energy of the group was incredible.

The meeting is so enriching when there are no stakes.

Today we really created something.

I feel like I'm right where I need to be.

I then invited the participants to close the debriefing by sharing a word, representing for them this evening.

Here are a few :

Diversity, State of mind, Frustration, Hope, Agility, Lightness...

Powerful words for a debriefing that was surprisingly very moving.

Next Steps and Late Night


After this particularly warm debriefing phase, it was time to become pragmatic again: we had to define the next steps for Facilit'ON Paris.

Florence recalled the TOP 5 drawn up during the launch evening for the group as a basis for discussion, an opportunity to explain to people who had not participated in it the principle of self-management of Facilit'ON either through its members, for its members.

The end of the evening revolved around the organization of future Facilit'ON Meetups and the definition of the next organizing group, all around a well-deserved aperitif!

The organizing group of the next Facilit'ON Meetup is then composed of: Sybille, Elisabeth, Arnaud, Mai Khanh and Charline. Thanks to them !

Don't hesitate to contact them if you want to help them! 😉


I would like to thank the whole team with whom I had a lot of fun organizing this Meetup and without whom this evening could never have taken place! 😉


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Olivier MY

Olivier MY

Trained as an engineer and passionate about people, I quickly turned to the world of Agile coaching and Professional coaching. Today, I support individuals, teams and organizations towards creating value adapted to the constraints and challenges of today's world. I am committed to contributing to the professionalization of the profession, in particular through detailed feedback and inspirations highlighting the importance of an open, curious and respectful posture.


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