Trust and Vulnerability: at the Heart of a Strong and Thriving Team

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Have you ever wondered what separates a team that excels from one that stagnates? Or why some organizations have passionate and creative employees while others struggle with turnover and demoralization? The key lies in two essential words: Trust and Vulnerability.

You might think these terms fit better in a personal development course than a corporate boardroom. But it is far from being the case. Research and studies show that trust and vulnerability are the foundations ofstrong and fulfilled teams. And it's not just about ambiance: we're talking about performance, ofinnovation and ability to adapt in a changing world.

In this article, we will explore these ideas, supported by the work of Brené Brown on vulnerability.

So, if you want to free the full potential your team and pave the way for greater success, keep reading.

The Power of Vulnerability

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There vulnerability, as defined by Brené Brown, is:

The courage to show your true self to others, to share your fears, your desires, and your imperfections.

It is the breeding ground for courage, compassion and positive change.

Vulnerability as a Source of Courage

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According to Brown, vulnerability is not a weakness, but rather a measure of courage.

Daring to be vulnerable means daring to be yourself in a world that often pushes us to wear masks.

It's the courage to say "I love you" first, the courage to ask for help, or even to say you don't know something.

She offers us a reversal of perspective by suggesting that vulnerability is the source of all authentic emotion and feeling.

For Brown, behind every act of courage there is some form of vulnerability.

Take the example of a manager who admits to his team that he does not know the solution to a complex problem.

Instead of losing his team's trust, he gains their respect for his honesty and opens the door to working together to find a solution together.

What was the last risk you took?
Did you choose safety or dare to be vulnerable?

Vulnerability as a Catalyst for Human Connection

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LVulnerability is the catalyst for human connection. Indeed, Brown emphasizes that we are wired for connection. We have an innate need to connect with other people. Authentic connection requires mutual vulnerability.

Authentic connection, this deep and meaningful interaction with others, is at the heart of our emotional and psychological well-being.

When a friend shares a difficult personal story, they create space for a deeper connection because they show you not only their triumphs but also their struggles.

Note: The book “ Social » by Matthew D. Lieberman explores the neurological basis of our need for connection.

Have you created space for vulnerability in your relationships?
Why not initiate this connection today?

Vulnerability and the Importance of Empathy

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Empathy is the ability to to understand and of share someone else's feelings, and it is essential for building deep, authentic relationships.

Empathy is the bridge that enables authentic connection. It therefore creates a secure space for vulnerability.

If a member of your team expresses uncertainty about a project, an empathetic response like “ I understand how difficult this can be, but I'm here to help » can build trust and connection within the team.

Note: In his book “ Empathy“, Roman Krznaric defends the idea that our brain is programmed for social connection: empathy is at the heart of human nature and an essential quality to develop in the 21st century.

When was the last time you showed empathy?
Try practicing active empathy this week.

The Link Between Trust and Vulnerability

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In a strong and fulfilled team, trust and vulnerability are closely related and work together.

Indeed, these two factors are like two sides of the same coin, each reinforcing and feeding the other in a way complementary.

Trust Enables Vulnerability

There trust is often the first step in creating an environment where vulnerability is possible. This is also perfectly described in the 5 dysfunctions of a Patrick Lencioni team.

In a team where trust reigns, members feel safe to share their ideas, concerns and failures without fear of negative repercussions.

This feeling of psychological safety is the prerequisite for any form of true vulnerability.

When a leader can create this culture of trust, it opens the way to vulnerability. Team members are more likely to share their weaknesses, ask for help when they need it, and accept constructive criticism.

Vulnerability Strengthens Trust

There vulnerability acts as a catalyst to deepen trust within the team.

Indeed, when team members share difficult experiences or admit their mistakes and limitations, they offer a gift of authenticity to others. This authenticity, when welcomed and valued, creates an even deeper level of trust.

In an environment where vulnerability is encouraged, team members are more likely to demonstrateempathy and of mutual understanding, essential components of lasting trust.

The Virtuous Cycles of Trust and Vulnerability

The relationship between trust and vulnerability is not linear but cyclical. Trust breeds vulnerability, which in turn deepens trust, creating a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement.

Thus, this cycle becomes the cornerstone on which the team can build other essential qualities such as cooperation, creativity and, ultimately, excellence.

A Strong and Thriving Team: The Final Result

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In a team where trust and vulnerability are built into the culture, the benefits are numerous.

Indeed, problem solving becomes more efficient, satisfaction at work increases and theinnovation blooms.

Team members also feel valued and supported, which increases their commitment and their overall performance.

In summary, trust and vulnerability are not only the keys to a strong and fulfilled team but also the foundations on which an organization can build its long-term success.

Where to start ?

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Creating a team culture that values trust and vulnerability can be challenging, but the benefits justify the effort. Here are some practical tips to help you:

1. Define Expectations and Values

Clearly establish expectations for each team member and the values that govern the group.

This initial transparency is the first step toward building trust.

2. Create a Safe Environment

Provide a safe space for members to express their opinions, ideas and concerns without fear of judgment or reprisal.

This will encourage members to open up and show their vulnerability.

3. Be Exemplary in your Role

As a leader, show yourself as an example of confidence and vulnerability.

Admit your mistakes, ask for help when you need it, and stay open to feedback.

4. Promote Active Listening

Encourage all members to actively listen, ask questions to clarify and give constructive feedback.

This creates an environment where people feel heard and valued, which in turn builds trust.

5. Celebrate Successes and Learn from Failures

Take the time to celebrate team successes et des individus.

Également, abordez les échecs comme des occasions d’apprendre, pas comme des fautes à punir.

6. Faciliter des Moments de Partage

Organisez des sessions de partage où les membres peuvent discuter de leurs expériences, défis et préoccupations.

Cela peut être dans un format formel comme une réunion d’équipe, ou plus informel comme des sorties d’équipe ou des déjeuners.

7. Être Cohérent

La confiance se construit à travers la consistency.

Pour ce faire, il est crucial d’être cohérent non seulement dans vos actions, mais également dans vos décisions et dans la manière dont vous traitez chaque membre de votre équipe.

8. Suivre et Mesurer

Mettez en place des métriques ou des enquêtes pour évaluer les niveaux de confiance et de vulnérabilité au fil du temps.

De cette manière, vous pourrez plus facilement suivre les progrès et ajuster vos méthodes si nécessaire.


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En conclusion, la confiance et la vulnérabilité ne sont pas de simples mots : ce sont les fondements d’une équipe prospère. En les cultivant, vous ouvrez la voie à une transformation profonde, donnant à chaque membre l’opportunité de briller.

Alors, le moment est venu de passer à l’action. Vous avez les clés, maintenant il s’agit d’ouvrir les portes.

D’ailleurs, peu importe où vous en êtes dans votre parcours, chaque effort compte. Et les bénéfices ? Imaginez une équipe plus heureuse, plus engagée et plus effective. Le jeu n’en vaudrait-il pas la chandelle ?

Ainsi, chaque grand voyage commence par un petit pas. Si jamais l’idée de débuter cette transformation vous semble complexe ou intimidante, n’hésitez pas à me contacter pour obtenir conseils et orientations.

Votre équipe mérite le meilleur, et ce meilleur commence avec vous !


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Picture of Olivier MY

Olivier MY

Trained as an engineer and passionate about people, I quickly turned to the world of Agile coaching and Professional coaching. Today, I support individuals, teams and organizations towards creating value adapted to the constraints and challenges of today's world. I am committed to contributing to the professionalization of the profession, in particular through detailed feedback and inspirations highlighting the importance of an open, curious and respectful posture.


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