Closing of the Personal Development Program

Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Almost 5 months ago, we launched a personal development program (PDP) based on the Enneagram with the conviction that accompanying people on the path of self-discovery and of others would have a positive impact on their professional and personal life. Following the module 4 on communication, we said to ourselves that it would be a shame to part without allowing the participants to truly integrate all the progress made since April.

We therefore offered them an additional module in order to properly close this adventure and open up prospects for the future.

Here is a brief overview! 🙂

Preparing the module

Photo by Wesual Click on Unsplash

To guarantee a quality integration, we asked the participants to do some preparatory work.

Indeed, after recalling the intentions of this last module, we invited them to prepare:

  • Their issues in terms of content
  • Their feedback on the PDP
  • Of the personal stories where the Enneagram was able to change their look or their behavior (Before/After Impact):
    • in the communication and interactions with those around them
    • in the comprehension of their own functioning
    • in their aspirations, projects and personal goals
These stories will be an opportunity to foster discussions at the start of the session and to share in the group how everyone was able to experience their learning.
This preparatory phase being a way for us to save time for a session that turned out to be very rich in terms of content! 😉

Module structure

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

As stated in the introduction, our objective was to allow participants to take a step back from their learning but also to see the path that was opening up before them.

We have therefore structured the module in 3 parts:
  1. Looking Back: Looking Back and Celebrating
  2. Prospective: opening up to something else, practicing and experimenting
  3. Perspectives: looking ahead

Note: one could almost make a link with the Shu Ha Ri now that I think about it! 😛

1. Retrospective

First, we asked participants to tell us a story where the knowledge acquired during the PDP allowed them to see a situation from a different angle and/or change their reaction.
Note: I remind you that the purpose of this program is not only to become aware of one's own filters of perception but also to open up to others available.
This first part aimed to take a step back from his experiences, hear those of others and share them with the group.
We then went through the essential messages of the 4 modules by explaining their links and interactions. The aim was to allow participants to see the content as an organized whole rather than a sum of independent modules.

2. Foresight

Secondly, we decided to allow participants to open up to other things, to understand how to use what they had learned and to experiment in a secure setting.

After discussing the fields of consciousness, 3 exercises were proposed to them:

  • An exercise in reconnecting with your body
  • An exercise in releasing one's judgments
  • A typing practice exercise
The aim of this second part was to open up the field of possibilities for the participants on the use of their learning while introducing them to some complementary practices.

3. Outlook

In the last time, we presented to the participants a list of themes on which we could continue the adventure together.
We also announced the organization of a Meetup open to the outside where we will tell this 5-month experience from the inside, embellished with their testimonies! 😉
If you wish to participate, You can register here !

Content preview

Participant feedback

Photo by Sagar Patil on Unsplash

Did this course meet your expectations?

Yes. I wanted to learn a way to understand my reactions and those of those close to me,

a little further than the process com.

I got what I wanted and more.

Yes. Particularly interesting.

The modules combined “lessons” and very revealing practical exercises.

It was passionate.

Despite the late hours (and fatigue), your testimonies and practical exercises

have always managed to interest me, question me, fascinate me. THANKS

Yes. Happy to have participated in this PDP which allowed me to know more about myself and about others

What did you think of this fence module?

Not bad the small recap which allows to understand the coherence of the modules

Cheer. Very good summary with its bonuses!

I hesitated to come (tired), I'm glad I came

Very interesting module… which makes it possible to link all the modules and “principles” seen!

Also makes you want to continue

General feedback?

I found it really nice to go step by step (first the model, then the instincts then we mix everything). Very enriching also to be able to exchange with people of the same instinct (or not) then of the same type (or not) and to confront our common points / differences. And a real awareness of the fact that two people can do exactly the same action while having totally different motivations behind it is quite impressive to observe!
A big THANK YOU for the organization of these modules, for the richness of the exchanges with all the people present and for this (better) knowledge now of the enneagram 🙂


This is how this first adventure of the PDP ended with our first promotion unofficially called “Promo X”.

Thank you to the participants for having made this experience so enriching by their honesty, their sincerity and for having trusted us until the end.

If you also want to live the experience, do not hesitate to contact us, a next promotion is already under study! 😉

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Olivier MY

Olivier MY

Trained as an engineer and passionate about people, I quickly turned to the world of Agile coaching and Professional coaching. Today, I support individuals, teams and organizations towards creating value adapted to the constraints and challenges of today's world. I am committed to contributing to the professionalization of the profession, in particular through detailed feedback and inspirations highlighting the importance of an open, curious and respectful posture.


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