PDP Module 3 Overview

Photo by xandtor on Unsplash

At the start of the week, module 3 of the PDP took place which, I think, became the highlight of the adventure!

Indeed, following the module 1 and 2, where participants were able to discover the 9 facets of personality and its instinctive dimension, it is the combination of the two that is on the agenda of this new module: the subtypes !

A moment full of sincerity, exchanges and emotions because the opportunity to understand the subtly hidden side of their profile! 🙂

Session overview

With the memories of the first module where we had already had trouble presenting the 9 major profiles of the Enneagram, it seemed impossible to us to use the same format to present the 27 subtypes! This is why since the previous module, we have been keen to maintain a high level of interaction between high participants.

We therefore opted for the following solution: rely on the medium to create spaces for exchange and learning.

Sharing observations on previous modules

While waiting for the arrival of the participants, we took the opportunity to discuss the various and varied observations of those present, whether in situations concerning their “type” or in situations concerning their preponderant “instincts”. The opportunity for them to compare their experiences and take a step back from their respective behaviors, in a good mood and with kindness of course! 🙂

By grouping people with the same profile together, the testimonies related to their observations were able to describe a pattern of resemblance necessary for understanding their profile as well as their differences.

Discovery of Sub-Types in a sub-group of the same profile

The question we then asked them was:

What would the combination of your profile characteristics and your overriding instinct look like?

After a few minutes of discussion, we then suggest that the different groups discover their 3 subtypes, by reading their support, then discussing them together. The participants were then able to understand the underlying mechanisms of their profile, sometimes requiring reformulation or clarification on our part.

Indeed, the descriptions may have appeared harsh for some people, hence the importance of explaining that there was no judgment to be made on these elements, simply an understanding to have on how a type works . Once again, it is the intention (the need) that prevails over the observable behavior! 🙂

Openness to other Sub-Types

After a well-deserved break following this new learning, we invited the participants to open up to the other groups in order to be able to better understand the differences between subtypes. I remember pointing out “45 minutes! » to the participants and that I have been answered " that much ?! » whereas it was very difficult for me to stop the discussions afterwards! 😛

I think it was a highlight of the session where everyone was able to open up in a spirit of understanding and concern for each other.


This module 3 was very emotional and discovery for the participants. The discussions were intense and engaged. This is really the atmosphere that we were trying to produce through the PDP: intimate, friendly and non-judgmental.

The closing was rich and sincere, some people were able to show their discomfort at the time with certain "realities" inscribed black on white in their support. It was nevertheless important for us to keep it light and benevolent, in order to let it infuse quietly.

A great experience that the participants will remember, I hope! 🙂


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Olivier MY

Olivier MY

Trained as an engineer and passionate about people, I quickly turned to the world of Agile coaching and Professional coaching. Today, I support individuals, teams and organizations towards creating value adapted to the constraints and challenges of today's world. I am committed to contributing to the professionalization of the profession, in particular through detailed feedback and inspirations highlighting the importance of an open, curious and respectful posture.


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