Launch of a Personal Development Program

Photo by Irene Davila on Unsplash

Today, at 7:00 p.m., the first class of a 3-month Personal Development Program will start at soat.

As Agilists, we often talk aboutindividuals and interactions. Our work, which moreover often takes place at the team level, leads us to create a framework conducive to better interactions. But what about individuals?

How can my individuality contribute to the collective? How can I be more effective in my interactions? How can I manage conflicts?

Co-built with Caroline Charpentier, George Rizk and Patrick Manoukian, this program, dubbed "PDP", is a modular accompaniment based on the Enneagram aimed at helping participants to know themselves better, better understand others and interact more effectively.

I will describe in this article the origins and intentions of this PDP as well as what awaits the participants!

Happy reading 😉

Note: This experiment corresponds to the "Personal Mastery" module of the Agile Rocket.

Why a PDP?

Today we hear a lot about "happiness at work", a concept with which I have some problems today.

Happiness ?

Photo by James Cousins on Unsplash

The larousse defines happiness as:

A state of complete satisfaction, fullness.

These criteria of satisfaction and plenitude are subjective, personal and changing according to the period of our life.

There is therefore not “one” happiness but probably as many visions of happiness as there are individuals.

One not being better than another, but simply his own, at a given moment.

At work ?

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Why should we reduce this to the world of work?

With today's society changing so quickly, is it still relevant to want to separate our professional life from our personal life? Is it worth it?

When you have worries at home, do you manage to leave them at the door when you arrive at the office and vice versa? Personally, I can't. Quite simply because I consider myself as a whole, regardless of the place or the framework in which I am.

Why should it be otherwise for our happiness? Couldn't we be happy at work AND at home ?

Personal Development Program?

Photo by Nathaniel Tetteh on Unsplash

So, despite all the respect I have for people who work for happiness at work, I wondered if we couldn't do more than install foosball tables and offer yoga or massage. I caricature of course. 😛

My belief is that:

take care of people,

it is to allow them to connect with themselves and with others

to express their own potential.

All this because we are all the same, and all different.

From there came the idea of the PDP:

Support structured by theme

allowing participants to get to know each other better

and see the world differently

in order to achieve their own definition of happiness

both at work and at home.

An ambitious challenge, isn't it? But after all, who does not try anything has nothing! 😉

How ?


Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

The implementation of the PDP was strongly inspired by the approach Agile-Rocket : modular, progressive and respectful.

  • Modular : participants will follow a set of specific thematic modules which will be their working base for the next few weeks. Considering that learning requires an incompressible period of time, each module is separated by 3 to 4 weeks from the next to allow everyone to raise awareness, experiment and observe.
  • progressive : each module will have a link with the previous one in order to guarantee new perspectives while maintaining continuity in the learning of the participants.
  • Respectful : there is no typical result expected because each participant is different, whether on their starting point, their personal journey or their point of arrival. The idea being to accompany him as best as possible on his journey, while respecting his own uniqueness.

All the same and all different

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

This phrase may have shocked some people, but that's really what the PDP is all about: discovering how we are alike and how we differ from each other, how our goals can be similar while being different!

The intention is to change our perception of ourselves and the world around us.

To do this, participants will benefit from collective moments (the famous modules) in which they can discuss around a theme and individual moments where they can share their own impressions, discoveries and issues in complete confidentiality.

And concretely?

Photo by Lawrence Walters on Unsplash

Today, about twenty people (from Soat and a few guests) form this first promotion, whose profiles are quite diverse: Coach, Scrum Master, Developer, HR, Administrative Assistant, Product Owner, CFO. The exchanges in collective time will be all the richer! 🙂

The theoretical base will be based on theEnneagram, an extremely powerful model describing 9 major personality types.

I would have the honor to be accompanied in the animation by Caroline Charpentier, George Rizk and Patrick Manoukian. Other surprise guests will come to enhance the different modules with their experiences and testimonials.

The current program is this:

  • 16/04 : Enneagram Basics.
    • Discovery of the structure of a personality and the 9 Enneatypes
    • Identification of limiting automatisms
    • Understand the different attention filters specific to each profile
  • 17/05 : Discovering our instincts
    • Understand the impact of our instincts on our personality
  • 11/06 : The subtypes
    • Understand the impact of the instinctive dimension on the 9 Enneatypes
    • Deepen the knowledge of the model
  • 28/06 : Communication
    • Understand the most suitable modes of communication between Enneatypes
    • Identify the communication styles specific to each profile

Do not hesitate to follow the progress of the program and the participants on Twitter and contact us if you are interested in the adventure! 🙂


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Olivier MY

Olivier MY

Trained as an engineer and passionate about people, I quickly turned to the world of Agile coaching and Professional coaching. Today, I support individuals, teams and organizations towards creating value adapted to the constraints and challenges of today's world. I am committed to contributing to the professionalization of the profession, in particular through detailed feedback and inspirations highlighting the importance of an open, curious and respectful posture.


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