your intelligence of action

Better decisions for the right actions

Clarify your intention. Raise your attention. Improve your action.​

Every Change Starts with a First Step

Let's have a first talk to hear your story

Who am I ?

Engineer of training and passionate about people, I quickly turned to the world of Agile Coaching and Professional Coaching.

I accompany people, of the teams and organizations towards a creation of value adapted to the challenges of today's world.

My belief is that well-being and performance are intimately linked.

My approach is therefore progressive and human centered in order to mobilize energies towards more accountability and D'commitment. That's what I call Develop the intelligence of action » : this ability to observe, interpret and act in an informed way.

I therefore pay particular attention to the simplicity and at the co-construction of meaning as levers of coherence between vision, objectives and actions.

My current inspirations revolve around systemic, of social constructionisml and the responsibility, without forgetting areas such as coaching, there facilitating and the mental preparation.

Sometimes a little push can help to get moving and achieve our goals.

My approach

Developing the intelligence of action

It is a personal and professional development approach that aims to help individuals and organizations achieve their goals by developing their ability to act in an effective way.

It is based on the belief that intelligence is not only a matter of knowledge and skills but also an ability to act in a strategic and adaptative way against the challenges and opportunities that we face.

It is based on principles such as stepping back , experimentation , reflexivity and conscious decision making to help individuals and organizations identify the most relevant actions and implement them effectively


You can find on my blog a set of articles around Coaching, Facilitation and some other Inspiration.


30 people, one hour: some retrospective formats (Part 2)

Après quelques semaines en présence de cette équipe, il m’est apparu intéressant de prendre du temps pour étudier là où ...

30 people, one hour: some retrospective formats (Part 1)

Dans le cadre d’une démarche d’Agilité à l’échelle, j’accompagne aujourd’hui une équipe d’environ 30 personnes. Après quelques jours en leur ...

3 little pigs for a retrospective

J’accompagne actuellement un client dont une équipe utilise la méthode Kanban pour gérer son flux de maintenance. Ce choix est ...

How Agile Leaders Improve Their Results with the Accountability Process

En approfondissement le sujet du Processus de Responsabilité, je comprends de mieux en mieux comment me l’appliquer à moi-même afin ...

A quick workshop to talk about Complexity

Il m’est aujourd’hui assez difficile de parler d’Agilité sans parler de complexité et du framework Cynefin. Malgré mon fort intérêt ...

Take responsibility they said!

Cela faisait un certain temps que je m’étais intéressé au Processus de Responsabilité de Christopher Avery mais c’est à la ...

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